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Final Report Presentation

6 Aug 2022 9:49 AM | Hans Galland

Please join us at the Harvey Milk Center for Recreational Arts on Tuesday, August 9, at 7 pm for the Final Presentation on our work to have our neighborhood formulate what a Slow Triangle means for our community.

The presentation is the outcome of two months of working intensely with neighbors, merchants, and stakeholders inside and outside the Duboce Triangle a well as city departments.

We started in July jointly defining what matters to us. Amongst a large diversity of viewpoints, we found the common denominator was: a safer, greener, more accessible, and identifiable Duboce Triangle. 

We then had neighbors design solutions to achieve this. Our two UC Berkeley interns with backgrounds in Urban Planning, Landscape & Architectural Design took that input, visualized and developed it, and sought another round of feedback from the community and City Departments. On Tuesday, August 9, we will be jointly reviewing the fruits of their labor.

We are excited to have you and jointly review the outcome of this process.



2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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