​Would the historic district come with extra cost or requirements for property owners who wish to renovate or expand their properties?No. Age-eligible historic properties already undergo a certain level of scrutiny when changes are proposed (for example, street-facing windows must be wood, and must look similar to historic windows) and these requirements do not change for properties in a state historic district. No additional requirements or costs are added when a property is recognized as historic by the state.In fact, the survey process will result in savings of both time and money for property owners pursuing major upgrades or renovations. Age-eligible properties are required to undergo historic surveying before major work can be approved, and so the survey work DTNA proposes to do would eliminate the time and money which property owners would otherwise need to spend on this work. Would there be any impact on property taxes?No. The type of historic district being proposed (listing in the California Registry of Historic Places) does not raise or lower property taxes. Owners of historic properties who agree to maintain them in historic condition may be eligible to enter a Mills Act contract with the city in exchange for reduced property taxes, however this would be something individual property owners would need to pursue, and is not part of what DTNA is proposing.Would a historic district guarantee that the neighborhood would never change?No. But it’s likely that development projects which propose to demolish state-recognized historic properties would undergo additional scrutiny, and approval for demolition of historic properties would be more difficult to obtain. New development would be more likely to occur at sites where no historic buildings are present.Is DTNA trying to prevent new development in Duboce Triangle?Not at all! DTNA has supported hundreds of new residential units in our neighborhood, and will continue to support good development projects at appropriate sites, and will continue to push for maximum affordability on-site. But there are plenty of opportunities for new development in SF which do not require destruction of our historic resources. Our neighborhood’s unique history should be preserved and treasured.How likely is it that a Duboce Triangle Historic District will be approved by the state of California?Assuming we are able to fund the survey process and completion of the historic context statement, it’s almost certain that we will gain state recognition of our historic district. The neighborhood was already identified as an eligible district, so it’s just a matter of doing (and paying) for the work to take it over the finish line. |