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DTNA Letter to SFMTA Re Noe Slow Street

6 Dec 2022 2:28 PM | Hans Galland

Hello SFMTA,  

It is with great hope for the future of the Slow Streets program that I write to you on behalf of the Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association.

As you prepare to make Noe St permanently ”slow” from 14th St. to Beaver St., I want to share the process of community building that this program has inspired for our neighborhood. I also want to offer our support for the long-term vision of a network of shared streets that make our roads safer for cyclists and pedestrians, in line with Vision Zero and the City’s Climate Action Plan. 

First, I want to acknowledge that this program has not been without its detractors - change has a way of dividing even the most united of neighborhoods. But people in our corner of the City have also been galvanized by the conversation and inspired to think about other ways to promote safety, sustainability, and a sense of community where we live.

In response to Slow Noe St., the board of DTNA formed a committee to explore the provocative concept of a “Slow Triangle.” This prompted an initial design research phase conducted in partnership with a UC Berkeley graduate course, followed by a summer of community-led workshops guided by graduate student interns and generously supported by funding from SFCTA and private donations from local residents and businesses. 

The entire process brought neighbors together to develop community values and envision a master plan, Duboce Triangle Vision 2030, which enhances the best parts of our neighborhood while addressing shared concerns. We are more committed than ever to furthering traffic safety, greening, accessibility, and neighborhood identity. Vision 2030 embraces traffic calming measures and expands the reach through a series of interventions across the Triangle. To lean more about Vision 2030 click link: 

Slow Noe St. is both the catalyst and the backbone of this community effort. We look forward to working with you to further develop the future of this program, further connecting this great City we call home. 

We thank you for your vision,

Frank Tizedes


Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association


2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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