DTNA Neighborhood Meetings at New Venue.
We gather as a community to get to know each other, learn about the new City administration, and engage in brainstorming around issues and opportunities facing our neighborhood in 2025.
Starting February 2025, Neighborhood meetings will be held in the Gazebo, Plaza Level, CPMC, except for April and October 2025, when they will be held in the Ballroom of Harvey Milk Recreation Center for the Arts because of a scheduling conflict at CPMC.
Entry to the Davies Gazebo is via the Plaza, so neighbors will not enter the hospital proper to enter the Gazebo. There will be directional signage.
These meetings are held on the second Tuesday of Every Even Numbered Month (February, April, June, August, October, December) from 07:00pm to 08:00pm, and follow a 6:30PM to 07:00PM Social gathering.
February 11, 2025 Neighborhood Meeting Agenda
Meet Your Neighbors Reception: Social time begins at 6:30
Supervisor Rafael Mandelman: President, Board of Supervisors: The State of the City
Brake-out sessions/World Café: Community opportunities and priorities:
- Beautification (Erik Honda & Paige Rausser)
- Land Use (Dennis Richards)
- Vision 2030 (Pavan Yedavalli & Nathaniel Edwards)
- Community Building (Kimyn Braithwaite)
Full Agenda for February 11, 2025, Neighborhood Meeting: here.
At this time the meetings are in-person. In the future, if there is a virtual or hybrid meeting, the link will be posted on this page.