Thanks again to those who made it to yesterday's meeting.
For those who couldn't make it - we had two excellent presentations from the 1939 Market affordable-housing developer and 2201 Market market-rate developer. While neighbors had some questions and minor concerns, the general sentiment for each project was for support. I think the main concern is that these projects actually get built and do not continue to sit vacant/empty.
We also briefly discussed the election results and ballot measures. Prop L (endorsed by DTNA) looks likely to pass, with ~87% of our neighborhood voting in favor. The other proposition DNTA endorsed, Prop D, does not look like it will pass, but a majority of our neighbors (~54%) voted YES. The third ballot measure we discussed but did not take a position on, Prop M, looks to pass with ~65% of our neighborhood in favor. Another notable takeaway is the success of Prop J over Prop I, indicating that most of the city supports pedestrian-prioritized spaces.
Finally, as I mentioned at the end of the meeting, I will likely not be continuing next year as the Land Use Chair or on the DTNA Board because I am taking on other responsibilities (getting more involved with AIASF and might be teaching an architecture studio class). It would be great to pass the baton to someone in the Land Use Committee who can lead next year. Please let me know if you are interested or have questions. Without a Chair, the committee may go dormant.
The December General Public Meeting will be more social to celebrate our accomplishments this year. I hope to see you all there (check the website and newsletter for more details)!