Time to Review Your Online Website Membership Profile
With the start of the New Year please take time to review your profile demographics and privacy setting. After you log in, Click the button next to your name which is found in the right upper corner on every webpage.
The default privacy settings for first and last name were reset to Members on 01/05/2023 allowing the Members-only Directory to be populated with all member names.
Membership Directory
The Directory is found in the dropdown menu (the three lines on the far right side of menu tabs) under the top banner on every webpage after a member logs in.
The member names are only viewable by fellow members when logged in. Members can make their name private and not visible in the Membership Directory by making changes in the “Privacy” portion of a member’s profile. If a member would like more of their information to be viewable by members, they can add their phone number, email address and/or street address in their “Privacy” settings. Otherwise, the default for that additional information will remain private. Please contact membership@dtna.org if you have any questions or concerns.
2-Factor Authorization to Log Into DTNA Website
Wild Apricot is launching 2-Factor Authorization in early 2023 to log into the site. A verification code will be sent to the email address on file in your profile after you enter your password to log in. Then follow the instructions. Be sure to keep the email address where you want this notification to be sent up-to-date in your profile.
Newsletter Notification
All members should receive email notification when the Duboce Triangle News is available for viewing online.
New webpage added in November 2022: Triangle/Upper Market Businesses found in the dropdown menu (the three lines on the far right side of menu tabs) under the top banner.
If there is a Triangle business that should be added to the list, please email the name of the business to web manager Bob Bush.
Membership and Advertising
We hope you’ve had a chance to get familiar with our website - where you can join DTNA; pay your membership dues; and even pay advertising fees – all online. If you are paying your membership dues online, check the FAQ to learn how to access your account for the first time. You can still mail in a check if that is preferred. Membership reminders are now sent by email so please make sure to update your email address in your account.
Postcard reminders will be mailed to members without email addresses and as a final outreach to members who have not responded to the email reminders.
The Website FAQs has lots of additional information about all things membership.