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2025 DTNA Board Election this December

30 Jul 2024 6:22 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

Election of all DTNA Board member positions will be held in December with voting closing at the December 10th Public Meeting.

You are eligible to run for a Board position if you have been a member for 90 days prior to the election (join on or before September 12, 2024), and you can vote if you have been a member for 30 days (join on or before November 11). All Board positions are elected for one-year terms.

Nominations need to be submitted between November 1 and November 15 to place a candidate on the ballot. After the close of nominations, a candidate webpage on www.dtna.org will include candidate statements and pictures.

If you have an interest in joining the Board or want to learn more about how the Board and DTNA function, please contact DTNA at info@dtna.org or by using the website contact form on our website www.dtna.org.


2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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