Once the UC Berkeley students’ research on the Vision Slow Triangle came to a close, the board of DTNA organized a neighborhood walk with Supervisor Mandelman’s team and a representative from the SFMTA to discuss findings and recommendations. Everyone was excited. We are now moving from community research and analysis to planning for implementation.
For any stage of the Vision Slow Triangle work, we have made a commitment to an open, transparent, and participatory process. Past experience shows that using participatory workshops for neighborhood improvements not only generates better, more balanced decisions but also achieves better usage of new improvements by residents and local businesses. A secondary, but not negligible outcome is that we all get to know each other better. In other words, this is a great opportunity to build community in Duboce Triangle together, by working on something we all care about.
The next stage of our work will include two concrete parts. First, developing an overarching value statement for the public realm in Duboce Triangle; Second, supporting the development of concept designs for improving critical intersections, the Duboce Triangle neighborhood gardens on bulb-outs and sidewalks, as well as additional traffic calming measures. These two steps are critical to ultimately generate an initial budgetary request to fund the implementation of proposed improvements.
We will conduct much of the work in a series of community workshops. We’d love your participation - either to co-organize workshops or simply participate. Please contact landuse@dtna.org or hansgalland@gmail.com to be added to the list so we can keep you involved! It’s going to be a fun and meaningful effort to work on this together.