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From the President

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  • 22 Feb 2025 7:10 AM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    Jon Moscone's Update

    Dear Neighbors,

    We held our first 2025 neighborhood meeting of the Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association last Tuesday, February 11 at the Gazebo Room on the CPMC/Davies Campus.  And I am happy to report we kicked the year off with a lot of positive energy and engagement.

    Thank you to 50+ members who participated in the meeting, and several folks who signed up for membership after the meeting. For you and all of you who could not make the meeting, I want to share the event highlights, including some links I promised to send that I hope are informative and useful

    After a lovely reception where neighbors (re)connected and engaged in color drawing on the hearts that board member Kimyn Braithwaite creates and decorates our neighborhood with, we began the meeting with a welcome to members, other neighbors, and some of our local businesses, notably Fisch & Flore, Chartreuse by Roje and The Academy.

    I provided a few updates, including:

    1. The City has approved the implementation of the Duboce Slow Streets Study, to be run by the SFMTA, which includes a holistic traffic and circulation study and a budgeted robust community engagement process, where all our voices will be heard. Read more about it here.

    2. CMPC/Davies continues to green up its campus exterior and will continue to improve its visual relationship to the neighborhood.  They are also promising to have a permanent fix to mitigate the HVAC sound no later than June 30, 2025.

    3. The Mayor has initiated a community affairs team to help track departmental progress in addressing resident and business needs throughout the city.  When you have an issue, concern or question to one of the City departments,  in addition to cc’ing our Supervisor’s office, you can also cc 2 members of the Community Affairs team, Moisés Garcia and Angelina Polselli.  They will help track the responsiveness of the departments as part of the Mayor’s promise for more accountability.   In addition, if you have a public safety concern, please reach out to D8’s public safety liaison from SFPD, Dave Burke.  You can find their contact information here.

    D8’s own Rafael Mandelman, the newly elected President of the Board of Supervisors, spoke about the new administration and shared updates around:

    • The timeline for the coming GLBT History Museum in the Tower Records (Barry’s) building, which was bought by the City and will take some time for it to go through the bureaucratic process towards becoming a reality.

    • The establishment of parts of the Castro as one of the City’s entertainment zones, which when permitted, will allow people enjoying events such as the Castro Night Market, to carry alcohol between venues.

    • The need for psych beds to address the problem he has long been focused on – untreated mental illness on our streets. 

    • The timeline for the completion of the Harvey Milk Plaza on the corner of Market and Castro, which includes the need for more money beyond what the City and State have provided.

    We then invited meeting participants to join breakout sessions to brainstorm ideas around the following four issues and opportunities:

    1. Vision 2030, including Transportation Issues and Slow Streets.

    2. Beautification

    3. Community Events

    4. Land Use

    Our board will coalesce the brainstorm ideas and come back to the neighborhood at our April meeting with a game plan.  For those who could not attend but want to engage in any of these topics, please contact info@dtna.org so that our board members leading these committees can reach out to you.

    I have to say I am so inspired by the level of engagement and enthusiasm everyone showed at our meeting, and I hope more of you can attend on April 8 (click here for full meetings calendar).

    The more we engage, the more we can get done to create an even more beautiful and safe neighborhood!

    If you have any questions, reach out to me at president@dtna.org.


    Jonathan Moscone

    President of the Board

    Jonathan Moscone

    President of the Board

  • 18 May 2024 11:05 AM | Deleted user

    Good Afternoon Duboce Triangle, Upate

    I am happy to report that safety measures are coming to our community Slow Street; Slow Noe. MTA has been conducting traffic and safety studies of all San Francisco Slow Streets. Slow Noe has had an abundance of traffic, above the mandated numbers needed for the Slow Streets safety measures so they've developed plans to help address the safety concerns.

    Background: Over the past several months, MTA has been looking at the traffic flow on Slow Noe with the majority coming straight across Market from Noe Valley, not coming off of Market. Approx 90% of the traffic flow is in the morning hours with majority using our Slow Street as a cut through. MTA has been working with DTNA, Friends of Slow Noe, Slow Streets Stewarts, Merchants and neighbors regarding safety and traffic concerns on Slow Noe.

    Friends of Slow Noe lead, Pavan Yadavalli (slownoe@googlegroups.com) called a meeting of the group members and I sent an email to all DTNA members about two months ago  The meet with nearly 30 neighbors participating, discussed MTA's need to create safer conditions on Slow Noe - and discussed a couple of the options being considered to address high traffic.

    The conversation continued: Following that meeting, MTA, Pavan and I took on calls and emails from neighbors, merchants and members of both DTNA and Slow Street, including several DTNA Board Members. to address questions about two of the three possible proposals. MTS posted fliers to encourage input, feedback and an understanding of the latest iteration of traffic calming for Slow Noe.

    MTA's Proposal: MTA final proposal comes about after gathering of input from a broad range of folks; neighbors on and around Noe Street, Friends of Slow Noe, Slow Streets Stewarts, DNTA members and board members, merchants, neighbors at large. According to MTA's representative, the newest proposal has taken into account many of the concerns of the community and groups he's been engaged.

    Updated Proposal: A partial diverter adjacent to the current Parklet at Noe and 15th where Quest is currently (see attached picture). The diverter would be where the current Slow Street signs are now and run parallel to the Parklet. The proposed Painted Safety Zone would be where the State required daylighting will be placed, creating a safety zone 20ft from every corner. 

    Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. We would like to continue the dialog and collect feedback. MTA also has an email in the flier to help collect feedback and has taken in a lot of input for the latest iteration of traffic calming.

    Thank you,



  • 9 May 2024 9:10 AM | Deleted user

    Good Afternoon Friends,

    Sharing an update on the current status with the Noe St Parklet repairs.

    As many of you know, this project has been going on for the past 4-5 months and we have two Parklets near the corner of Noe and 15th that have yet to be completed. I have been working with DPW to focus on getting these repairs and cement poured to help open these spaces up.

    This project started to address safety and equitable access for all our neighbors. As you know, these parakeets were a mess, limiting who could use them and posed a real safety risk for any neighbor with mobility issues. We have worked to assure the spaces that have been repaired are open, easily accessible and ADA compliant.

    The benches at the corner of 15th and Noe were unfortunately glued down and while trying to move them one was broken. We are working to restore the two benches and place them in a manner that keeps our space ADA compliant and provides equitable access (see pic). This will now create two additional seating/social areas.

    The two parakeets that are still under construction (in front of Jacks Laundry) and on other side of street from Noe Valley Market. As you can see in the photos, the cement and brink work has not yet been completed. Myself along with a few neighbors are keeping the pressure on DPW to get these completed as soon as possible.

    TODAY 5/9/2024: DPW was out measuring and planning for the final cement and brick work of the last two remaining Parklets. GREAT NEWS!

    Fingers crossed, we'll have the benches repaired/replaces soon and the cement in the two remaining spaces complete.

    Thank you all for helping keep the neighborhood a great place to live. If you are not a contributor, donor or member of DTNA, please consider doing so under "Join"

    Stay Safe,


  • 9 Dec 2023 10:27 AM | Deleted user

    Please join us at the Harvey Milk Annual Holiday Art Fair 

    Tomorrow- December 9, 11am-4pm

  • 28 Oct 2023 8:29 AM | Deleted user

    Good Afternoon Friends and Neighbors. 

    I will be attending a full days workshop as part of the Chronicles program, working with communities and residents to help identify problems and solutions for some of San Francisco’s problems.

    I would love to hear from you prior to Thursdays SFNext workshop.  Please share with me your ideas and concerns that can be helpful in addressing the problems our great city are experiencing. 

    following the workshop, I’ll provide a synopsis of the program and event 

    Thank you, 



  • 26 Oct 2023 6:57 AM | Deleted user

    Dear Neighbors, 

    Please help us Keep the Lights On our beautiful Market StreetPalm Trees.

  • 24 Oct 2023 6:27 AM | Deleted user

    Good Afternoon Friends and Neighbors,

    It’s that time again, let’s chat about what’s happening in our neighborhood. A few new topics recently brought up, CPMC Noise concerns & Lack of Lighting on the Noe side of their property, Expanding DTNA Environmental Protection and Impact efforts, Safer Cross walks/intersections, Bulbout Repairs on Sanchez and Noe, Tree Canopy plantings,….  or anything on your mind! 

    please join me and let’s discuss progress…


  • 23 Oct 2023 1:13 PM | Deleted user

    Hi Neighbors

    The much needed Bulbout repairs on Noe and Sanchez are approved.

    After 1 1/2yrs of work with DPW and Supv Mandelmans office to get the repairs addressed, they are schedule to start this week on Noe.

    The barriers and broken cement that limited full access impossible. Full accessibility is coming for all to enjoy! 

    Thanks for you patience as this work is scheduled to go on for three weeks 

    Please contact me with any questions.  I will try and get the answers 



  • 22 Oct 2023 7:55 AM | Deleted user

    Another Duboce Triangle Community Planned Event! Come join in on the fun today on Steiner next to Duboce Park.  Meet your neighbors, bring the dogs, kids and have fun!  

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2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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