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From the President

  • 29 Sep 2023 9:38 AM | Frank Tizedes (Administrator)

    Good Afternoon Friends and Neighbors 

    as our supervisors debate whether or not to ban Right hand turns on Red Lights 

    email me your thoughts:  president@dtna.org


  • 26 Sep 2023 12:05 PM | Frank Tizedes (Administrator)

     Hi Friends and Neighbors,

    Please join me and let’s keep building forward in our great community!

  • 25 Sep 2023 7:51 AM | Frank Tizedes (Administrator)

    From Duboce Triangle’s Environmental Protection Impact team: Essential Fall Garden Tasks that will help your garden flourish. 

    stay connected with EPiC, environment@dtna.org


  • 15 Sep 2023 11:18 AM | Frank Tizedes (Administrator)

    Dear Duboce Triangle Neighbors, 

    As promised at the April General Meeting: Initial discussions started on SF Housing Element and Rezoning with SF Planning we have another General Meeting Scheduled.

    Over the past six months, we have had community meetings, walking tours and coordinated workshops with city agencies which many of you have been engaged. We are not yet done. We understand that there is an overall interest in responsible densification, especially along our larger corridors and an interest in reasonable interior builds, with the later taking on various forms and we appreciate you input. 

    Your voices, your interests and your concerns are important and I encourage you to join us this Sept 26th to get updates on where the city is with rezoning. This Sept Rezoning meeting is in keeping with our commitment to you, having opportunities for timely information and having your voices heard.




    • Woody LeBounty: CEO SF Heritage
    • Chris Fowley: Developer in SF Historic Commission
    • Rich Hillis: Director SF Planning

    We hope to see you there. Please feel free to reach out directly to me anytime, president@dtna.org

    "I am adding this article because I think it reflects the direction and sentiment of most of the neighbors I've spoken with over the past year. Responsible development doesn't only mean the protection of our community but the development of real housing the city desperately needs. We can both develop and support our community.  https://commonedge.org/how-the-yimby-nimby-debate-worsened-the-housing-crisis/?fbclid=IwAR3vv-PF_73UInCa_9dYJuPMged56logWVDNoXVqrLUMU9FTRaGYpqFLoIM

    Thank you,


  • 28 Aug 2023 3:22 PM | Frank Tizedes (Administrator)

    IMG_0-2.MOV   (Link to Noise Video - captured at 3:30 am)

    CPMCNoiseSurvey.jpg (Help us, help you. Please complete the noise survey and let us know how if this noise concern is impactful to you and your neighbors.

    Good Afternoon Neighbors,

    We have had several neighbors complain about the excess noise coming from the CPMC Davies Campus (see attached video taken at 3:30 am 8/24/23.

    DTNA had previously filed complaints with CPMC regarding the noise, yet there seems to be little if anything done to mitigate this unhealthy environment that impacts neighbors from 15th Street to Waller. 

    We have filed a follow up complaint and are asking neighbors to also get involved. A survey flier will be sent around throughout the neighborhood. Please take a moment to complete the survey. We need your input and pressure to make this right.

    Thank you,

    Frank Tizedes, President DTNA

  • 8 Aug 2023 10:51 PM | Frank Tizedes (Administrator)

    Dear Neighbors,

    I want to thank all the artists for their time and awesome LOGO submissions for this exercise in community building through art. I also want to thank all the neighbors that shared their excitement and feedback  helping us select a LOGO to represent our community efforts.

    Collectively you gave us a wonderful representation of what community is, collaboration, energy and creativity   I look forward to continuing the work of community building. 

    Winner, Ellie Cotari #9, Runner Up, Alexis Braun #1 and winner of special drawing was, Andy Proehl 

    Our two youngest artists Grace (7) & Evelyn (10) Community Engagement Awards. 

    With gratitude and thank you,

    Frank Tizedes, President


    WINNER IS: Congratulation Ellie Cotari   LOGO #9

  • 15 Jun 2023 3:41 AM | Frank Tizedes (Administrator)

    Join us  for DTNA 2nd Annual Pride Pick Up-Helping Keep Duboce Triangle A Great Place to Live 


2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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