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DT Parklets Repair & Tree Canopy Restoration

6 Feb 2024 4:21 PM | Deleted user

Great News:

Work has started on the Noe Street Parklet Repair and Tree Canopy Restoration throughout the Duboce Triangle.

After many, many, many hours of meetings, phone calls and follow up meetings and phone calls, the work is underway to repair the Parklets that had fallen into disrepair and posed a real safety concern and barrier to our neighbors with mobility challenges. Soon, everyone will be able to enjoy these beautiful Parklets.

More good news: the Tree Canopy Restoration is underway to install 30+ new trees across the triangle. If you have an empty tree well and do not receive a tree, please let me know and I'll look into it. Some of the currently open wells have utility concerns that may prohibit the planting of a tree, however a beautiful sidewalk garden may be a great alternative.

Thanks to everyone for all the work, attention to these projects and for helping us get this done.

Public Works Tree Planting Update for DTNA Newsletter.docx

You're the best,

Frank Tizedes

President, Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association


2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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