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  • Free COVID Test/Vac; Dolores Park History Fair 9/18/21; Phoenix 10/17/21 Noe Block Party; August Meeting

Free COVID Test/Vac; Dolores Park History Fair 9/18/21; Phoenix 10/17/21 Noe Block Party; August Meeting

29 Aug 2021 11:08 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

Free COVID Testing and COVID Vaccinations now available every Saturday from 11 AM to 5 PM at the Noe Health Mart on Noe Street between Market and Beaver Streets. A self-administered PCR COVID test is collected and available for everyone. Free primary COVID vaccinations as well as a third shot for those who meet CDC guidelines are available.

These free COVID tests and vaccinations are made possible by the initiative of the LGBTQ Cultural District https://castrolgbtq.org and Castro Merchants https://www.castromerchants.com. The LookOut overseas the street management. The intent is to continue the Noe Health Mart venues through 12/31/2021, and the Delta Variant Surge.

Sexual Health Services of the San Francisco Health Department is also present at the Noe Health Mart. Information regarding how men can obtain free home STD testing kits for syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia as well as possibly free condom home deliveries is provided. 

The Dolores Park History Fair Day will take place on Saturday, September 18th, 11:30 AM to 04:00 PM at the Park. History Day is free and open to all. There will be six stations covering the history of the Park from First Nations to modern day. At the “Love Dolores” station visitors can pick up a map and “passport” which if validated at all 6 stations can be returned to the “Love Dolores” station for free give-away items.

DTNA is pursuing plans to hold a Phoenix October 17 Sunday Noe Block Party on Noe Street between 14th and Henry Streets. Frank Tizedes is leading the effort as the Block Captain. If you would like to help or participate, please contact DTNA  https://dtna38.wildapricot.org/contact.html.

August 9th DTNA General Meeting

Jane Chan, DPW Architect, presented the City’s plans for ADA compliance work at the Castro MUNI Station, including a new elevator at Harvey Milk Plaza. The new elevator will be an independent structure within the plaza with access to/from Market Street, the Castro level plaza, the Station level plaza and the MUNI platform. Other measures include widening the Market Street sidewalk. https://www.sfmta.com/projects/castro-station-accessibility-improvements-project

However, the City has no current plans for installing a canopy over the Harvey Milk Plaza entrance as it was mandated to do at the MUNI/BART access sites downtown. It appears that the Mayor and SFMTA/SFCTA have no interest in protecting the MUNI escalators and Transit users from rain and inclement weather unless it is mandated by a higher authority.

Harvey Milk Plaza

Brian Springfield, Friends Executive Director, and Daniel Cunnington, SWA Group Design Associate, presented the current design vision of the Friends of Harvey Milk Plaza which involves tearing down the current plaza and rebuilding it. https://neighborland.com/harveymilk.

Howard Grant, Architect, presented the Advocates for Harvey Milk Plaza vision for renovating the current design without a teardown. https://www.saveharveymilkplaza.org.

Port Authority Waterfront Resilience Program


Matt Bell, Port Civil Engineer for the program, presented the detailed approach that the Port is taking in selecting projects to address the rising sea level and earthquakes. Reportedly 25 potential projects have been identified that will undergo further vetting before selecting those to pursue. 2021-0809 DTNA Public Port Presentation.pdf

Land Use

DTNA is issuing a letter of support for the Maitri Mural on Duboce at Church Street and continues to support Traffic Calming Measures for 14th Street between Castro and Sanchez Streets. MUNI has insisted that there be back-in angled parking on the north side of those two blocks to avoid wide lanes that could encourage drivers to drive around buses stopped at bus stops.

October 11th DTNA General Meeting

Senator Scott Weiner has agreed to come to the October meeting. Invitations have also been extended to District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman and to Assemblyman David Chiu to provide neighbors with a legislative update.

Get Tested, Get Vaccinated if you have not already done so, and come join your neighbors as we look at and celebrate life in the City.

Stay Safe to Be Healthy,


Bob Bush, DTNA Vice President


2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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