Let Your Voice Be Heard at the Upcoming Task Force Meetings!
Current mapping shows the Duboce Triangle moved from District 8 into District 5.
This week hear 2020 Census: Redistricting Task Force updates and provide feedback on where district lines should be drawn. These meetings will focus specifically on communities of interest in and around what is currently Districts 4 and 5 on 03/16/22 and Districts 8 and 9 on 03/18/22. Share your voice about how these district line changes may affect the Duboce Triangle and Upper Market Community.
Members of the public can attend upcoming Task Force Meetings either remotely on Webex or in person. For those attending the meeting in person, the Task Force meetings will be held at City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. **Members of the public are required to wear masks at all times inside City Hall, regardless of vaccination status. Please make sure to bring a mask!
- Show us your neighborhood boundaries with our online mapping tool
- Tell us about your community of interest by using our COI input form
- Send comments and hand-drawn maps by emailing rdtf@sfgov.org
- Provide public comment at Task Force meetings
- Call in at: 1 (415) 655-000
- Share Upcoming Task Force Meeting Flyers with your community!