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Duboce Triangle News


The Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association (DTNA) is a non-profit, volunteer organization with the mission of improving the Triangle and making our neighborhood a better place to live, work, and play. The association’s newsletter is published six times per year and nearly three thousand copies are hand-delivered – one to every residence in the Triangle. DTNA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and the EIN is 23-7440874.

Our advertisers support the cost of printing the newsletter, and our readers appreciate it! New advertisers are often surprised by the great response they get to their ads – and it’s a great way to support your neighborhood at the same time!

If you want to place an Ad, please contact Eric Munsing, Advertising Manager, at 415-742-1107, or by email.


One Issue

Half year (3)

full year (6)

Business Card - 3 ½” w x 2” h




1/6 page - 3 ½” w x 3” h




1/4 page - 3 ½” w x 4 ½” h




1/3 page - 5” w x 5” h      OR

7 ½” w x 3 ⅓” h




Display Advertising Information: Slight variations to ad sizes can be accommodated if you have existing art. Graphics/pictures should be set at approximately 85 lpi for best results. Please provide artwork in hard copy or in high resolution .jpg (300 dpi) or .pdf format. We can create simple display ads for your business at no additional charge.

2024 advertising deadlines

February/March issue:
April/May issue:
June/July issue:
August/September issue:
October/November issue:
December/January issue:

January 11
March 8
May 10
July 5
September 6
November 8

If you have any questions about Ad design, graphics, Ad payment and contract information, call Bob Bush, DTNA Advertising Manager, at 415-794-8247 or email advertising@dtna.org. Email advertising artwork to: advertising@dtna.org.
DTNA does not accept advertising for political issues, campaigns, or candidates. 

You may order and pay for an Ad online or you can download the order form, fill it out, and send in with your check. Be sure to note the duration and start date.

When ordering online, select the Ad size and duration, then follow the link. Please enter your business name and business address in the comments field during checkout.


2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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