RFP #05-2022 SDDT Healthy Communities Grants Reissued for Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian and Native American/American Indian populations
Important Dates:
- Virtual Info Session: March 1, 2023 1pm PST **TOMORROW**
- Grant Writing Support Request: by March 6, 2023 12pm noon PST
- Application Due Date: April 21, 2023
The San Francisco Public Health Foundation (SFPHF), in collaboration with the San Francisco Department of Public Health (DPH), is open for applications for programs intended to impact health equity and to inspire innovative, community -driven and -led grants that will strengthen skills/build capacity in priority communities while delivering chronic disease interventions and making long term, sustainable changes that are health promoting, community building and equity focused.
This RFP re-issue is open only to organizations serving Pacific Islander and Native American/American Indian communities. Applications from the October 2022 RFP are currently being reviewed for these populations: Asian; Black/African American; Latinx. The specifications of the original RFP remain unchanged, the only changes serve to indicate the applications being sought for the two priority populations.
See website for more information https://sfphf.org/sddtgrants/
To be eligible to apply for the RFP, agencies must:
- Have a budget under $1,500,000
- Have a demonstrated track record of reaching Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiians and/or Native American/American Indian communities
- Be a non-profit community-, faith- or neighborhood-based organization (CBO/FBO/NBO)
- If you are an agency that does not have a non-profit status, you may apply with a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency that will serve as a fiscal sponsor for your project
- Have administrative capacity to enter into a subcontract/consultant agreement with SF Public Health Foundation.
To request up to $5,000 in support for grant writing, email sddt@sfphf.org by noon on March 6, 2023.
Grant writing support must result in a submitted application by the April 21, 2023 due date.
In the email indicate:
- Name and organization
- Which priority population you are applying for:
- Native American/American Indian
- Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian
- Whether you need a list of grant writers
Questions? Email sddt@sfphf.org