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  • 15 Jan 2022 11:16 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    Election of 2022 DTNA Officers and Board Directors will be conducted online as it was in 2021 using Election Runner. Paper ballots will be mailed to members without email addresses.

    Online voting will start on Wednesday, February 9th and close on Monday, February 14th at 07:30pm during the February DTNA General Meeting. Mail-in ballots need to be postmarked by February 14th to be counted. 

    To vote members must be in active status and be current with their dues.

    All Officer positions and five Director seats are up for election, with two director seats currently unfilled. Nominations need to be submitted by Friday, February 4th to be included on the ballot. Current Board members have expressed an interest in continuing on the Board, although the current DTNA Treasurer would like to pass the baton for that position and return to his Director’s role if a new Treasurer candidate can be identified.

    Any member who has an interest in joining the Board and has been a member for three months is eligible to be elected to the Board. If you want to get more involved with DTNA initiatives to enhance the neighborhood where we all live, work, and play, consider running for a Board position.

    If you would like to run for a Board position or want to learn more about how the Board and DTNA function, please contact DTNA at info@dtna.org or by using the website contact form or explore DTNA website.

  • 11 Dec 2021 11:06 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    Join this Monday’s December 13th DTNA Community Meeting and hear:

    1. Safeway Market Street Store Director, Sean Robertson, update current store challenges and actions being taken.
    2. Hans Galland moderate a presentation by UC Berkeley Urban Design graduate students sharing their Duboce Triangle research findings focusing on: walkability & mobility, sustainability, and activation.  Be part of the discussion with your questions and ideas.

    The December-January Duboce Triangle News is now available online in color. Letters to the editor are welcome and may be published in the News.

    The new DTNA website at www.dtna.org has gone live to the public. Any questions? Check out the FAQ page on the website which includes instructions on how members log into the new website.

    All DTNA members who last paid dues in 2018 were included in the new website member database and sent the November 7th Member notification email, knowing that some who had not renewed after 2018 had likely moved out of the Triangle would not be continuing DTNA membership. If you not going to continue DTNA membership, please reply to Paige Rausser Grey, membership manager, so she can archive your account and stop any further dues notifications.

    Get familiar with what the new website has to offer including community meeting updates and activities in the Triangle.

    If you are not current with your dues, please log in and pay your dues. 

    There is a new membership level, Household, the allows for two members of the same household to join for a single fee. The Website FAQ page explains how to change your membership level if you want to do so.

    Please note that renewal notices will now be sent via email.  Postcards will only be sent to members who don’t have an email address on file with DTNA.

    Enjoy the Holidays and Have a Healthy New Year,

    Bob Bush, DTNA Vice President, Web Transition Manager

    Paige Rausser Grey, DTNA Board Member, Membership Manager

  • 3 Dec 2021 3:14 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    In 2019, DTNA kicked off a fundraising effort with the goal of completing historic surveys of all properties in the triangle formed by Castro and Market Streets and Duboce Avenue, for which our neighborhood was named. Our neighborhood is one of the most historic in the City, with most buildings dating back to a period which began in the late 1800s and continued through the 1920s. Today, even those newer” 1920s properties are nearly a century old! 

    See full article.

  • 3 Dec 2021 2:48 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    As the pandemic paused commuter traffic, San Francisco rolled out a massive experiment: Slow Streets. Noe Street was selected as one such street, running right through the Triangle. In our Jun/Jul Newsletter, DTNA Land Use Chair Kevin Riley wrote about DTNA’s exploration of a Slow Triangle A Slow Triangle is a vision...not a policy, ballot measure, or SFMTA plan. It's an idea.”

    See full article in Land Use Blog.

  • 3 Dec 2021 2:45 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    DTNA has the privilege of working with UC Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design on exploring the nuances of our vision for a Slow Triangle. Part of this work was inspired by a conversation with Hugo Errazuriz, who researched the Duboce Triangle himself in 2002 while a student at Cal. We had a conversation with Hugo about this work then, and here’s what we learned.

    See full article in Land Use Blog.

  • 25 Sep 2021 9:05 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    Starting this Saturday, September 25th, Upper Market COVID Testing/Vaccinations resumed at the 18th Street Parking Lot behind the Castro & 18th Street Walgreens.

    There will be testing and shots into arms every Saturday 11:00 AM to 05:00 PM through the end of the year, expect for the weekend of the Castro Street Fair when they will be given at the Fair on Sunday, October 3rd.

    This important community health initiative of the Castro LGBTQ Cultural District is being co-sponsored by Dubose Triangle Neighborhood Association and Eureka Valley Neighborhood Association.

    The Saturday Noe COVID Health Mart had been extremely successful in getting COVID Vaccine shots into arms, including 3rd shots for those with HIV or others who are immunocompromised, and COVID testing. However, the Noe venue was forced to close because of objections of Noe businesses to the Saturday closure of Noe Street and concern for losing drive-up customers despite the Health Mart including short term drive-up parking on Noe near Beaver Street.

    Get Tested, Get Vaccinated if you have not already done so, and come join your neighbors as we engage to keep life in the City healthy and moving forward.

    Stay Safe to Be Healthy,

  • 13 Sep 2021 9:00 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    The Board of Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association meets every other month. At the September 2021 meeting, we discussed the following:

    Board Function

    Discussed expectations and interactions of fellow volunteers.

    Website Migration 

    Website content is being updated and customized where needed. The Board approved transferring the membership list from the Treasurer to DTNA President Kimyn Braithwaite which will facilitate extracting membership data for migration to Wild Apricot.

    Land Use Updates

    The Board voted to endorse the goals and intent of the Friends of Harvey Milk Plaza initiative, but at this time not endorse any particular design, but wanting to stay involved with the process and informed of any major updates or changes in design.

    DTNA is still pursuing traffic calming for 14th Street between Castro and Sanchez. At this time Noe Street is not on the SFMTA’s list of permanent Slow Streets.  UC Berkeley students will be researching Duboce Triangle and how it could become more pedestrian-friendly.

    A letter of support for the Maitri Mural has been sent to the SF Arts Commission.

    Duboce Triangle News

    The News welcomes three new News distributors. If you can help deliver the News, please contact us at https://www.dtna.org/contact.html.

    Phoenix Day Block Party: Sunday, October 17th, Noe Street between 14th and Henry Streets

    Frank Tizedes is leading the effort as the Block Captain. If you would like to help or participate, please contact DTNA https://www.dtna.org/contact.html.

    Castro LGBTQ Cultural District COVID Testing & Vaccination Initiative

    The Board voted to be a sponsor of this initiative that has been very successful in getting COVID shots into arms and people tested. It has been held recently every Saturday on Noe Street, but because of objections to the street closure by local businesses, a new site in the Upper Market is being sort.

    Treasurer’s Report

    The Historic District Initiative funding was discussed and has covered expenses to date. Payments for the online migration of DTNA to the Wild Apricot platform were approved.

    Upcoming October Community Public Meeting Agenda

    Assemblyman Chiu and Senator Weiner have confirmed. Supervisor Mandelman has also been invited.

  • 29 Aug 2021 11:08 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    Free COVID Testing and COVID Vaccinations now available every Saturday from 11 AM to 5 PM at the Noe Health Mart on Noe Street between Market and Beaver Streets. A self-administered PCR COVID test is collected and available for everyone. Free primary COVID vaccinations as well as a third shot for those who meet CDC guidelines are available.

    These free COVID tests and vaccinations are made possible by the initiative of the LGBTQ Cultural District https://castrolgbtq.org and Castro Merchants https://www.castromerchants.com. The LookOut overseas the street management. The intent is to continue the Noe Health Mart venues through 12/31/2021, and the Delta Variant Surge.

    Sexual Health Services of the San Francisco Health Department is also present at the Noe Health Mart. Information regarding how men can obtain free home STD testing kits for syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia as well as possibly free condom home deliveries is provided. 

    The Dolores Park History Fair Day will take place on Saturday, September 18th, 11:30 AM to 04:00 PM at the Park. History Day is free and open to all. There will be six stations covering the history of the Park from First Nations to modern day. At the “Love Dolores” station visitors can pick up a map and “passport” which if validated at all 6 stations can be returned to the “Love Dolores” station for free give-away items.

    DTNA is pursuing plans to hold a Phoenix October 17 Sunday Noe Block Party on Noe Street between 14th and Henry Streets. Frank Tizedes is leading the effort as the Block Captain. If you would like to help or participate, please contact DTNA  https://dtna38.wildapricot.org/contact.html.

    August 9th DTNA General Meeting

    Jane Chan, DPW Architect, presented the City’s plans for ADA compliance work at the Castro MUNI Station, including a new elevator at Harvey Milk Plaza. The new elevator will be an independent structure within the plaza with access to/from Market Street, the Castro level plaza, the Station level plaza and the MUNI platform. Other measures include widening the Market Street sidewalk. https://www.sfmta.com/projects/castro-station-accessibility-improvements-project

    However, the City has no current plans for installing a canopy over the Harvey Milk Plaza entrance as it was mandated to do at the MUNI/BART access sites downtown. It appears that the Mayor and SFMTA/SFCTA have no interest in protecting the MUNI escalators and Transit users from rain and inclement weather unless it is mandated by a higher authority.

    Harvey Milk Plaza

    Brian Springfield, Friends Executive Director, and Daniel Cunnington, SWA Group Design Associate, presented the current design vision of the Friends of Harvey Milk Plaza which involves tearing down the current plaza and rebuilding it. https://neighborland.com/harveymilk.

    Howard Grant, Architect, presented the Advocates for Harvey Milk Plaza vision for renovating the current design without a teardown. https://www.saveharveymilkplaza.org.

    Port Authority Waterfront Resilience Program


    Matt Bell, Port Civil Engineer for the program, presented the detailed approach that the Port is taking in selecting projects to address the rising sea level and earthquakes. Reportedly 25 potential projects have been identified that will undergo further vetting before selecting those to pursue. 2021-0809 DTNA Public Port Presentation.pdf

    Land Use

    DTNA is issuing a letter of support for the Maitri Mural on Duboce at Church Street and continues to support Traffic Calming Measures for 14th Street between Castro and Sanchez Streets. MUNI has insisted that there be back-in angled parking on the north side of those two blocks to avoid wide lanes that could encourage drivers to drive around buses stopped at bus stops.

    October 11th DTNA General Meeting

    Senator Scott Weiner has agreed to come to the October meeting. Invitations have also been extended to District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman and to Assemblyman David Chiu to provide neighbors with a legislative update.

    Get Tested, Get Vaccinated if you have not already done so, and come join your neighbors as we look at and celebrate life in the City.

    Stay Safe to Be Healthy,


    Bob Bush, DTNA Vice President

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2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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