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  • 19 Mar 2022 4:55 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    On April 6th, the market will open for the season with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 4:00 p.m.  Community activist Donna Sachet and District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman will do the honors and officially open the market. There will be also be a very special performance by local folk/jazz artist Essie Thomas to entertain the crowd.

    The Market will be open 3pm to 7pm through November 16th, on Noe Street between Beaver and Market Street.

  • 19 Mar 2022 2:10 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    The latest SF Redistricting Task Force proposed mapping returns Duboce Triangle and Corona Heights to District 8.


  • 14 Mar 2022 4:42 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    Alex Lemberg, EVNA President,

    Our next public meeting will be held on Thursday, March 24 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. We will be joined by three City leaders who will share their projects, initiatives, and progress, and answer questions from attendees. 

    At the beginning of the meeting, we will be joined by City Administrator Carmen Chu, who is in charge of civic engagement, 311, the County Clerk, the Office of Cannabis, and significant efforts regarding planning and equity issues.

    Next, we will be joined by San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, who will share his office's projects, progress, and future plans. If you've never seen DA Boudin speak, I strongly encourage you to attend this meeting.

    Finally, we will be joined by my friend and colleague Tina V. Aguirre, the Executive Director of the Castro LGBTQ Cultural District. Tina will share the massive amount of work that the Cultural District does, which focuses on preserving and building LGBTQ culture in the neighborhood.

    A major issue the Castro faces right now is census-based redistricting. The entire Castro/Duboce Triangle neighborhood is currently in District 8, but there is a proposal to split the Duboce Triangle and Corona Heights into District 5. The city-wide redistricting task-force is hosting a series of meetings this week, and you should attend if you can and are interested in this important subject. See this website for more details; meetings are listed below.

    The Eureka Valley Dog Owners Group, which was created to coordinate the Eureka Valley Dog Play Area's upcoming renovation, will have its next meeting on Tuesday, March 29 at 6:00 p.m. Please email me if you are interested in attending the meeting.

    I am also excited to announce a Holocaust memorial event hosted by the EVNA. It will be on the evening of Yom Ha'Shoah, the Jewish Day of Holocaust Remembrance, which this year is Wednesday, April 27, at the Pink Triangle Memorial at 17th and Market Streets. We will be joined by the Rabbi at Congregation Sha'ar Zahav, Mychal Copeland, and other guests to be announced soon. Keep an eye out for more information on this event.

    Finally, our next neighborhood clean-up day will be held on Sunday, April 3, beginning at 11:00 a.m. Please join us, even if you can only come for a a short while! Meet your neighbors and take some tangible actions to improve the Castro We will meet in front of Eureka Sky at Jane Warner Plaza. Please email me to RSVP!

    Please check out our event information below this letter and I hope to see you next Thursday, the 24th for our meeting!

    Warmest regards,

    Alex Lemberg, President


    EVNA March Meeting
    Thursday, March 24 / 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. 
    Zoom Link
    Facebook Event

    Confirmed Attendees:
    Chesa Boudin, S.F. District Attorney
    Carmen Chu, S.F. City Administrator
    Tina V. Aguirre, Castro LGBTQ Cultural District

    City-wide Redistricting Meetings
    Monday, March 14 at 5:30 p.m. - Mapping - https://bit.ly/3tt0PVR
    Wednesday, March 16 at 5:30 p.m. - District 5 - https://bit.ly/3sDJ9aF
    Friday, March 18 at 3:00 p.m. - District 8 (that's us!) - https://bit.ly/3vSVFFF
    Password for all three: comment
    See this website for public comment information

    EVDOG Monthly Meeting
    Tuesday, March 29 / 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
    Email Alex Lemberg to RSVP

    Castro Neighborhood Clean-Up Day
    Sunday, April 3 / 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
    Meet at Eureka Sky, 3989 17th St. at Jane Warner Plaza
    Email Alex Lemberg to RSVP

    Holocaust Memorial for Yom Ha'Shoah
    Wednesday, April 27 / Early evening, time to be announced soon
    Pink Triangle Memorial, 17th and Market Streets

  • 13 Mar 2022 10:53 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    Let Your Voice Be Heard at the Upcoming Task Force Meetings!

    Current mapping shows the Duboce Triangle moved from District 8 into District 5.

    This week hear 2020 Census: Redistricting Task Force updates and provide feedback on where district lines should be drawn. These meetings will focus specifically on communities of interest in and around what is currently Districts 4 and 5 on 03/16/22 and Districts 8 and 9 on 03/18/22. Share your voice about how these district line changes may affect the Duboce Triangle and Upper Market Community.

    Members of the public can attend upcoming Task Force Meetings either remotely on Webex or in person. For those attending the meeting in person, the Task Force meetings will be held at City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. **Members of the public are required to wear masks at all times inside City Hall, regardless of vaccination status. Please make sure to bring a mask! 

  • 25 Feb 2022 1:04 AM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    All current DTNA Members have been changed to a one-year payment schedule. Any member who wishes to maintain an auto-recurring payment schedule should contact membership@dtna.org so that status can be continued.

    When auto-recurring payments were enabled at the time of rolling out the new online membership program in November 2021, the intent was to offer members that option. However, that made auto-recurring payments the default payment method without the option of a default single year payment schedule. Stopping auto-recurring payments was possible, but without an obvious pathway. This created confusion which has been addressed by creating separate single year and auto-recurring payment membership levels. No other membership change has been made. Bundle memberships remain.

  • 16 Feb 2022 11:29 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    Provided by Casey Hildreth, SFMTA Principal Planner, Livable Streets

    For the most up-to-date construction information please visit www.sfpublicworks.org/uppermarket.

    F line motorized bus service starting Tuesday, Feb. 22 through Saturday, March 12 

    The SFMTA, in partnership with the Department of Public Works, will be substituting motorized buses for the full F Market & Wharves historic streetcar route for three weeks, starting Feb. 22 through March 12. During this time, F Line service will be modified to accommodate construction activities for the Upper Market Safety Project as well as other essential track repair and maintenance elsewhere on the rail corridor. Published service hours and frequencies should not be affected. 

    The agencies have worked closely together and with the contractor to minimize overall service disruption to the F line while completing essential work for Upper Market's improved traffic signals, medians, and streetcar stops. Originally planned for April, we were able to move up to between the Chinese New Year and St Patrick's Day celebrations. This is a critical milestone to reach for Upper Market to stay on track for completion ahead of PRIDE month, so we appreciate your patience and understanding during this time!

    Individual F line stops to be closed temporarily for construction through spring 

    Within Upper Market there will also be temporary closures of individual streetcar stops to support construction activities, including the installation of decorative MUNI railings. Temporary closures will occur on a rolling basis starting February 22nd through spring 2022. Most stops will be affected for spproximately one week with the exception of eastbound Dolores and westbound Laguna stops, which will be the first affected since they have more extensive work planned.

    Signs and notices will be posted in advance of each stop closure to alert the public and suggest alternative routing for the closest available F Line stops.   

    Upper Market Phase 2 work continues

    The contractor team is working to finish underground sewer work at 15th/Sanchez and 16th/Noe in preparation for above-ground sidewalk and traffic signal work later this spring. Please note in order to maintain the project schedule crews will continue to work on Saturdays for the next few weeks.

    ADA upgrades to Pink Triangle Park - including a new crosswalk with curb ramps across 17th and more accessible sidewalk path-of-travel to the MUNI elevator - should be completed in the next week or so.

  • 14 Feb 2022 10:38 AM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    Frank Tizedes elected 2022 DTNA President and two new Board Directors elected: Jessica Martines and Sugam Jain. Kiimyn Braithwaite elected Treasurer, and current Board members Hans Galland, Paige Rausser, Kevin Riley, and Nikolai Sklaroff elected Board Directors.

    56 of 119 eligible DTNA members voted, 55 online and one by mail, in the February 14, 2022 DTNA election.

    On-line voting results can be viewed at: https://vote.electionrunner.com/election/nad3r/results

  • 14 Feb 2022 1:07 AM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    Triangle tree management was discussed; two new local businesses made presentations: Wyatt Robertson for Santeria restaurant and Max Khusid for Art House SF gallery, and Capt. Christopher Pedrini (SFPD Park Station) attended and addressed Triangle crime, crime prevention and dealing with broken store front windows.

  • 15 Jan 2022 11:33 PM | Robert Bush (Administrator)

    You can join DTNA, pay your Membership Dues and Advertising Fees online. Dues reminders are now sent by email and not by postcard, unless a member does not have an email address.

    Bundle Memberships, what are they?

    Bundles allow two people in the same household to become voting DTNA members for one fee, starting with the new Household level for $50.00, but also for all Patron, Angel and Superstar members.

    Auto-Recurring Dues Payments is enabled at all voting membership levels. Members can stop recurring payments from their Wild Apricot member profile page when they have a pending invoice. To do so, before paying the invoice, click the Invoices and payments tab in member profile and then click Stop recurring payments button beside the membership renewal transaction. 

    Pending Member Status

    When a Dues Payment Invoice is sent, a member's status is changed from Active to Pending until the renewal fee is paid. A member cannot change Membership Level until the Invoice is paid. Membership Level can only be changed when in Active Status. Selecting a new Level will generate a new Invoice. If the new Level has a higher fee, contact the membership manager so that a credit for your recent payment can be applied to you new invoice before you pay it.

    See Website FAQ's for details on how to get started and how the new system works.


2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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