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2025 Candidates for DTNA Board of Directors

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Board directors and officers are elected annually for one year terms. The 2025 Board election will be held online December 5th through 10th. Candidates must be members in good standing for at least three months prior to the election. Members who have been a member for 30 days prior to the election (on or before November 11, 2024) are eligible to vote. Paper ballots will be mailed to members without an email address and need to be postmarked by December 10th and received by Tuesday, December 17th to be counted. For more information, contact us.

Director Candidate: Leah Culver

Land Use Committee member, (2024-), Walter Street neighbor

After living in San Francisco for a decade, I met my husband and moved in with him on Walter Street in Duboce Triangle in 2019. I’ve always loved the Triangle for it’s beautiful tree-lined streets and cute neighborhood cafes. We now have a baby boy and enjoy taking him to Duboce Park along with our elderly pug, Mr. Wiggles. In March 2024, I joined the Board of the San Francisco Parks Alliance to help improve parks and open spaces in San Francisco.

If elected a Board Member of DTNA, my goals are to help support community events such as the Castro Farmers Market, Dog Fest, and Wiggle Fest. I will advocate for improved street design with a focus on pedestrian safety and affordable housing through a balance of new construction and historic preservation. I hope to help keep our neighborhood welcoming, safe, fun, and charming!

Land Use Chair:        
Dennis Richards

Membership Manager:
Paige Rausser

Advertising Manager:
Bob Bush


2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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